Celebrating the power of milk

Countries all around the world will 'Celebrate Nutritious and Sustainable Dairy' to mark World Milk Day on 1 June.

Locally, Dairy Australia will bring this theme to life through the ‘powered by milk’ theme, highlighting how milk powers regional communities, as well as the health of Australians.

Each state across the state has a vibrant dairy community that generates local jobs and the fuels the economy. Milk is a nutrition powerhouse, naturally containing calcium and protein for strong bones, teeth and muscles from childhood through to older age.

Milk is nature’s sport drink with high quality protein and electrolytes to help active Australians to rehydrate, refuel and repair muscles after exercise.

The communications activities will use the opportunity of World Milk Day to continue to promote Australian dairy.

The campaign will target Australians nationally across Facebook and Instagram. Video content will feature professional sports personalities who have dairy farming backgrounds, including Australian dairy ambassador Jonathan Brown, Australian Paralympian Col Pearse, and Australian Rugby League captain Kezie Apps. 

2024 Farmer Ambassador participant, Sarah Kelly, believes it’s important for dairy farmers to celebrate World Milk Day. 

"We work very hard to produce high quality milk,” she says. 

For Sarah, the powered by milk campaign recognises how incredibly nutritious milk is. 

“It is a good reminder how important milk is in a well-balanced diet,” Sarah says. 

Other activities will include media and influencer engagement to help extend the health, sport, and nutrition messages more broadly.

Campaign material will also be shared with manufacturers, industry ambassadors, Government representatives, health care professional and teachers. 

The campaign is part of Dairy Australia’s commitment to building community trust and value for Australian dairy by promoting the health benefits and quality of dairy products. 

To celebrate World Milk Day, Sarah says she will be milking a whole lot of cows with pride. 

“I am so proud to be working in the dairy industry.” 

World Milk Day was established by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations to recognise the importance of milk for good health and to celebrate the dairy industry’s contribution to jobs, communities and the economy.

To find out more about how Dairy Australia promotes Australian dairy, visit Promoting Australian Dairy | Dairy Australia


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