Wellbeing - GippsDairy

Farmer support in Gippsland

GippsDairy has region-specific support information, including local doctors, telephone support and government assistance.

Social and emotional wellbeing

A range of support is available for farming families and businesses affected by tough seasonal conditions and milk price changes in Gippsland. 

Farmer health – building emotional resilience

Emotional resilience is being willing to accept there will be good and bad times, understanding reactions to these experiences, and having strategies to manage them. 

Management during challenging situations

Challenging situations can change quickly and this can impact on both employee requirements and expectations. 

Reducing stress

Stress is a response to an event or situation, which can be positive or negative. Stress is common in daily life and may be associated with work, family or personal relationships. Find out how to reduce stress where possible. 

Government assistance

Many dairy farmers face challenging times as a consequence of downgraded milk prices, ongoing market volatility and dry conditions. The following government programs may be of assistance to farmers, their families and staff.

Grants and support - GippsDairy

Market volatility and dry conditions can lead to challenging times for many dairy farmers. There are a number of Government programs available for farmers, families and staff.

Wellbeing - GippsDairy

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