Cows out of Creeks Round 9

Round nine of Cows out of Creeks, undertaken across 2023-2024, has been a collaborative project with dairy and beef farmers across Tasmania.

Contributing time and money to fence waterways, install stock crossings and provide off-stream watering to remove stock from waterways. Stewardship of the community, animals and natural resources are an important ongoing priority and focus for Tasmanian dairy and beef farms, which contributes to overall productivity, performance and perception enhancing the social license for the broader beef and dairy industries. 


The Cows out of Creeks grants were delivered by DairyTas with funding from the Tasmanian Government, with grants up to $5000+GST provided to approved applicants.  Seven dairy & six beef properties were successful in their applications and completed their projects by June 30 2024, with project selection being based on catchment area.  Across the 13 approved projects over 15km of fencing and 34 new troughs were installed, plus native flora plantings to revegetate riparian zones and countless hours of labour.  Catchment areas that have benefited directly from the projects include:


  • Blythe 
  • Deep Creek
  • Detention
  • Don 
  • Duck 
  • Leven
  • Little Clayton
  • Meander
  • Pantana 
  • Oyster Cove 
  • Welcome 

Applications for round 9B of Cows out of Creeks are set to open on September 12, 2024. To be emailed an application form when applications open please contact Hannah

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