Mikaela Baker, Extension Advisor & Farm Engagement Lead
We are excited to announce that Mikaela Baker joins the Dairy Australia SA Team this month in the combined role of Extension Adviser and Farm Engagement Lead. Mikaela will be working alongside Extension Advisor Shannon Logan to deliver services to our dairy farming community. She will be covering farm engagement primarily for the South East region and will work across the state to deliver our extension program.
Mikaela has both a Bachelor of Agricultural Science and Master of Animal Science and joins our team after many years work with Total Result Ag Consulting and as technical support for Forage Lab Australia. She has enjoyed working in all production systems, from low input grazing through to robotic grazing and high production intensive TMR systems.
We are thrilled to have Mikaela on board and know that she will bring great warmth, expertise and knowledge to the role.
Contact: mikaela.baker@dairyaustralia.com.au
Melva Tyson, People Experience Lead
We welcome People Experience Lead, Melva Tyson to the South Australia team. While Melva is based in the Murray Dairy region, her focus areas include South Australia, Murray and Subtropical. Melva joins us in leading the development and delivery of innovative projects focused on attracting and retaining talent within the dairy industry. Working across the dairy sector, she is available to help our community build strong, people-centric farm businesses, with the support of Dairy Australia resources. Melva is highly skilled in understanding workforce needs, attracting talent, improving employer/employee experiences, creating valuable networks and career development. We are grateful to apply Melva’s skillset to our region and excited to work together to attract great people to the dairy industry and help foster their growth.
You may cross paths with Melva at upcoming career and job expo events or during on-farm visits, she can also be contacted at any stage for one-on-one support.
Contact: melvat@murraydairy.com.au
Dairy Australia SA region expands resources with growing team
20 February 2025