Dairy Export Assurance Program

The Dairy Export Assurance Program (DEAP) is an initiative of the Commonwealth Government where the Government, state regulatory agencies and industry are working together to streamline and modernise Australia’s already robust export system.

DEAP's goal is to enhance export opportunity for the dairy industry, which will be achieved through raising export awareness, building capability, streamlining audit arrangements and reducing regulatory burden whilst providing higher levels of system assurance through the use of technology.

The Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry is partnering with Dairy Australia to deliver four projects for DEAP:

  1. Project One aims to identify knowledge gaps and regulatory hurdles faced by dairy manufacturers in their export journey, then develop resources to improve their capability and capacity to become dairy exporters.
  2. Project Two focuses on working with industry to align food safety in regulatory and commercial assurance programs.
  3. Project Three aims to investigate opportunities to reduce regulatory intervention, through improved data collection.
  4. Project Four focuses on how automation and digital solutions may be applied to the current export process, with the aim of streamlining the export certification process to reduce time constraints for exporters.

As a part of these projects, DEAP has released the below resources to guide new and existing manufacturers and exporters.

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