Wrap up from Grounds for Growth Conference 2025

A big crowd of approximately 180 people came together for three days in Warrnambool, Victoria recently for Grounds for Growth 2025, Dairy Australia’s inaugural soil and pasture biodiversity event.


Dairy farmers travelled from as far away as Western Australia attended to gain practical knowledge from local and international biodiversity experts and hear from farmers already successfully using multi-species pastures as well as other biodiverse practices.


A highlight was the visit to Simon Scott’s family farm at Barongarook West to see how regenerative agriculture is simplifying their farming system, before attendees travelled to Nick and David Allen’s farm at Purnim. International speakers included Dr John Finn from Teagasc in Ireland and Irish dairy farmer Gillian O’Sullivan, who shared her farming journey during the event. Associate Professor Lucy Burkitt from Massey University in New Zealand also spoke about regenerative agriculture.


Stay tuned to our website for key information from the event on multispecies pastures and other biodiverse practices to be posted soon.


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