Tocal College Plan for Profit Course

Tocal College are now taking applications for the final intake of Plan to Profit under the current funding and wanted to make sure you know all about it! Tocal College, together with P2P Agri offer Plan to Profit - a fully online course hosted by Tocal College and lead by agribusiness experts Mike Krause, Pete McCann and Tony Hudson and uses your own farm data!

The program will support you to.  
· Understand financial literacy and improve the financial management of your farm business.
· Understand what is, and what is not, making money in your business.
· Improve your management of business risks.
· Answer those ‘what-if’ questions vital to your business into the future.
The course runs for 12 weeks, including.
- Five live group zoom sessions (recorded if you cannot make it live)
- 5 x 1 on one coaching sessions with your trainer
- online content loaded with extra learning.
The online course aims to develop knowledge and skills to:
· Understand what banks need to know about your business.
· Estimate the current season’s key performance measures of profit, equity, key bank ratios and business efficiency.
· Develop an estimated monthly cash flow for the current season.
· Develop ideas for improving profits and / or reducing debt.
· Conduct scenarios analysis to assess the ‘what if’ questions of the business, such as successful business growth, the financial effects of drought and good seasons, and buying the neighbour’s farm.
· Develop a business plan for the next three to five years.
This program is fully subsidised for eligible NSW producers through the NSW Farm Business Resilience Program, conditions apply, so look today!
For more information and to get a handle on just how much this course has to offer your business, click here.
Sound like something you might be interested in.  If so, APPLY TODAY.
The final round of Plan to Profit under this funding starts soon, with the first online seminar on 7 April!  We have limited spots, register today - applications close 31 March or when the course fills!  Feel free to share with your team, your partner, or your networks. 


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