Managing Farm Carbon
Understanding and measuring greenhouse gas emissions (or the carbon footprint) on dairy farms provides valuable information for improving productivity and sustainability, and preparing for regulatory and market changes.
Getting started
Our team of carbon farming specialists, together with workshops and resources, provide dairy farmers with essential information and practical steps to understand greenhouse gas emissions and identify ways to reduce their carbon footprint.
We guide farmers on where to start by:
- Understanding the drivers of greenhouse gas emissions on dairy farms and the influencing factors, including the methane from cattle, fertiliser and carbon stores, to better manage a farm’s carbon footprint.
- Learning about the industry’s emissions reduction targets, exploring farm activities and technologies, and getting clarity on common carbon terms such as insetting, offsetting and reduction.
- Calculating greenhouse gas emissions (or the carbon footprint) using our online tools designed specifically for Australian dairy farming: the Australian Dairy Carbon Calculator and DairyBase.
- Exploring practical steps for reducing greenhouse gas emissions on dairy farms to make informed choices that protect profitability and sustainability.
- Understanding the Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) scheme and the benefits and risks. Learning about the due diligence required before participating in a carbon farming project and how to leverage ACCUs for potential financial and environmental gains.
Access resources and register interest for a workshop below.
Understanding farm carbon
NSW dairy farmer James McRae explains how reducing greenhouse gas emissions him stay ahead of the curve and increase farm business profitability.
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