
All dairy farmers should have a biosecurity plan to help protect their business and livelihood as well as the broader industry, from the spread of pests and diseases.

Reducing biosecurity risks

Biosecurity involves simple, everyday practices to protect the health of your livestock, limit financial losses and help maintain market access. Ultimately, it aims to reduce the risk of diseases, weeds or pests entering, spreading or leaving your farm. It is the responsibility of every dairy farmer under the Commonwealth Emergency Animal Disease Response Agreement (EADRA), to have an active biosecurity plan, implement actions to reduce the risk of pest and diseases spreading from farm to farm, and communicate any requirements for staff and visitors.

Biosecurity resources

  • Animal Health Australia (AHA) provides information and tools covering the basics of on-farm biosecurity on its website.
  • Farmers can purchase a biosecurity gate sign or download a template for one for free, on the Farm Biosecurity website.
  • BIOCHECK® is a biosecurity planning program developed by Australian Cattle Veterinarians, which allows farmers to build a biosecurity plan with veterinary oversight.
  • South Australian farmers can access the One Biosecurity tool through the Department of Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA), which builds and stores biosecurity information, which can then be shared when required.

Regulatory information

The dairy industry is subject to several biosecurity regulations and requirements, including:

Livestock Production Assurance

The Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) program is the Australian livestock industry’s on-farm assurance program covering food safety, animal welfare and biosecurity.

Australian Dairy Farmers (ADF) and Dairy Australia have assured Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) that dairy farmers are already meeting the LPA food safety elements through their milk quality assurance system.

All dairy farmers need to do to maintain their LPA accreditation is enter their dairy license number when re-registering. This also means they are exempts from LPA auditing as well as a requirement to complete the biosecurity and animal welfare LPA learning modules.

Farmers who run other livestock (such as sheep or beef) will need to be independently LPA accredited for that business. Visit MLA's Integrity Systems website to find out more about accreditation. Dairy farmers can also find free online LPA learning modules on the Integrity Systems website.

In Queensland, all owners of livestock must have a biosecurity plan in place. For more information, refer to local farmer’s obligations under the Biosecurity Act 2014

New South Wales Biosecurity Act 2015

In New South Wales, owners of livestock have an obligation take action to prevent the introduction and spread of pests, diseases, weeds and contaminants. For more information, refer to the Biosecurity Act 2015

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