Non-Replacement Calves

Non-replacement calves are the calves born on dairy farms that are not required as milking cows in the future.

In Australia, most calves are separated from their dams at birth with the majority of the female (heifer) calves raised as replacement milking animals or to be sold to other farmers.

Calf pathways

The male and some of the female non-replacement calves born on dairy farms may follow one of multiple pathways including:

  • Raised for beef production, either on the farm of birth or by specialist rearers.

  • Transport to an abattoir at five to thirty days of age as a bobby calf.

  • If neither of above options are available nor economically viable, calves may be euthanised at birth.

Animal welfare

Regardless of the pathway farmers decide on for their non-replacement calves, Dairy Australia is committed to the ethical treatment of all animals.

The Calfways Roadmap and Growing Beef from Dairy project are two key strategic investments Dairy Australia has made to ensure this.

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